
Richard Clapham Oct 2021

What will be this year’s “rabbit out of the hat”?

Never has there been more speculation around a budget statement as we emerge from Covid-19 and continue to pay for the damage it has caused to the economy. Could it be this is the end of the rabbit-out-the-hat moment, as the Chancellor Rishi Sunak looks to balance the books? Here are a few predictions from us as to what the budget may contain this Wednesday.

Liz Dalgetty Oct 2021

STEP pushes for simpler access to digital assets after death

The professional body for lawyers and other practitioners who work with families, STEP, has completed a project with Queen Mary University of London, highlighting the real problems people will face if accessing digital assets isn’t made more simple.


Terina Farnan Oct 2021

Increase in couples signing pre-nups

According to the Marriage Foundation, 20% of couples are now signing pre-nuptial agreements before tying the knot - compared to just 1.5% in the 1970s. But why?

Liz Dalgetty Oct 2021

Marrying in later life? You might want to consider the financial side.

As we enjoy longer, healthier, and more active lives, many people see retirement as a chance to try something new - which is perhaps why more of us are marrying much later. But, whilst being older and wiser can bring with it more life experience when it comes to relationships, there are some financial implications to consider too.

Liz Dalgetty Sep 2021

OPG outlines plans to make LPAs “fit for the future”

The Office of the Public Guardian (OPG) has released a consultation in efforts to bring the Lasting Powers of Attorney (LPA) process up to date without compromising safety.

Victoria Evans Sep 2021

Did you know your will becomes a public document?

Prince Philip has been back in the headlines of late as the BBC airs a documentary of his life on what would have been his 100th birthday. But, the passing of Prince Philip has also brought something else to light - the privacy of documents, like wills, after probate has passed.


Jenna Hopkins Sep 2021

Skyrocketing property prices could leave you IHT “bust”

The pandemic has pushed house prices up to record levels which is great news if you're in the market to sell or invest long-term. However, there is a downside if you are about to inherit property.

Liz Dalgetty Sep 2021

86% want families to make decisions, but less than half have a will and just 14% have an LPA. Why?

Last year, we wrote about how there was a spike in demand for will-related services and Lasing Powers of Attorney (LPA), as Covid-19 took hold. But, what if I told you that dementia killed more women last year than Covid-19?