For You
We are here for everyone.
At Downs Solicitors, we provide a comprehensive range of services for individuals who are looking for legal advice.
Our clients choose us for our friendly, approachable nature as well as our ability to provide expert advice with no jargon and communicate it in an easy to understand manner. As you would expect, we will always act with discretion and utmost professionalism. It is why we do what we do.
Services for you
For Your Business
We are here to help at every step of your business
Whatever your business legal issue, Downs Solicitors can help in shaping and supporting the business activities of our clients as they address the opportunities as well as the challenges presented by current economic conditions.
Our business clients mainly comprise public and private companies, partnerships and sole traders.
Services for your business

Recruitment FAQ+
Where is Downs based?+
Downs currently has three offices in Surrey: Cobham, Dorking and Godalming. There are career opportunities at all three locations. Work experience participants will have the opportunity to work in each of the three offices. Please see our list of Current Vacancies for opportunities in each of the locations.
Our Dorking office is the original location of Downs and is where it was established in 1836. The Dorking office is the largest and most historic of our three office and is ideally located to serve the town, as well as the wider areas of Reigate, Redhill and Leatherhead. One of the three buildings that comprise the Dorking office complex is a historic Grade II listed building and has a beautiful garden area for staff to enjoy.
Our Cobham office was established through the merger with the law firm Lowrie & Co., and is our newest and currently smallest office. The staff here have close relationships with local businesses and individuals in the area and gives clients the option to use a local firm for their legal needs. The office offers the full range of legal services, but focuses primarily on residential conveyancing and wills work.
Our Godalming office is our most modern office. It is ideally placed to serve the town, as well as the wider areas of Guildford, Farnham and Haslemere. Located close to the UK’s longest-established law school, the University of Law, many students from the law school have participated in our work experience programme and joined our firm as staff.
Do I need to be a solicitor to work at Downs?+
No, you don’t. There are many non-solicitor jobs at Downs, such as in IT, finance & accounting, administration and marketing. See our Current Vacancies list to see what opportunities are available at Downs.
However, if you are interested in becoming a solicitor, we are happy for you to apply to our training contract programme. There are many different routes to becoming a solicitor and you should think about which route best suits your needs. We currently have several assistants in our training contracts programme, training to become solicitors. This means they work during the week and take courses or modules on weekends. Although this may take longer than the traditional law school route, it means that you can work and get a qualification at the same time without taking on a major financial burden.
We are always looking for driven individuals to join our trainee contract. The trainee contract programme has a specific in take schedule. We will not be opening our 2023 intake until early 2022.
Do I need a university degree to work at Downs?+
The short answer is no. We do hire graduates, but there are plenty of roles within the firm that do not require a university degree. This could include positions in IT, finance & accounting, administration and marketing. However, you also do not need a university degree to become a solicitor. There are many routes to becoming a solicitor and we support staff that are interested in becoming a solicitor through our in-house training contract programme.
Do you have work experience opportunities?+
Yes. We provide week-long work experiences to students who have finished their further education and are over the age of 18. Due to the pandemic, this work experience week is currently being done a virtual basis.
Students have the opportunity to ‘drop-in’ to all the various departments and offices at Downs and learn about the work being done there and interact with staff. Each day, students are given a task to complete and this is reviewed at the end of each day. To date, 50 students have completed our work experience week.
What is your corporate and social responsibility (CSR)?+
Downs takes its corporate and social responsibility (CSR) seriously. Integrity, responsibility and sustainability lie at the heart of our business strategy. We fully recognise our social responsibility to our staff and to the communities in which we operate. As part of our CSR, we have established four categories, where we demonstrate our commitment to fulfilling this responsibility: environmental, social, ethical and economic.
Under environmental responsibility, we are engaged through our office recycling program and the installation of energy saving office equipment. As part of our social responsibility within the communities we operate, we participate in regular fundraising events and charitable contributions. Downs and its staff are active supporters of the local Trussell Trust Foodbank, which provides food to families in need. Ethical responsibility is achieved through our continued efforts to invest in our staff by providing continued training and education opportunities, fair and equitable treatment of staff through bi-annual staff appraisals and maintaining relevant professional accreditations. Downs does not operate simply to maximise our profits and as part of our economic responsibility, we give back to our staff and community in various ways. Such as offering pro bono legal services and provide legal clinics for individuals free of charge.
We are always open to any suggestions from staff as to how we can improve our CSR.
What benefits does Downs offer?+
The success of our firm depends on our staff and each person’s contribution plays an integral part in the firm’s success. Down offers the following competitive and generous benefits to all of our staff:
- 25 days holidays plus Bank Holidays. The firm is also closed from Christmas Eve to New year which is gven to staff as additional holiday
- Sick pay
- Discretionary bonus
- Life assurance
- Private medical insurance
- Medical cash plan that allows staff to claim back dental, optical and certain therapies
- Private pension
There may be additional benefits, which are subject to education level, work experience and contract terms.
Can I work from home?+
Yes. The recent pandemic has made us realise the importance of offering flexible working options to all our staff. This means a mix of remote and in-office work schedules. Downs has implemented and embraced flexible working and has helped set up home working solutions at no cost to staff. This set up not only keeps our staff and clients safe, but also allows staff to take care of their personal needs and responsibilities without fear of losing their job. Our staff have provided feedback during their appraisals that this shift to flexible working has allowed them to improve their work-life balance.
What out of work events happen at Downs?+
Downs has always been a very personable and social place to work. Prior to the pandemic we had monthly office mingles, coffee mornings, department lunches, quizzes, summer BBQs and an office Christmas party. Although such get togethers are currently not possible, the pandemic has shown us that socialisation is still an important aspect of work-life balance.
We have begun organising regular social outdoor or virtual get togethers, such as a crazy golf outing and on-line cooking classes. Additionally, staff also organize regular circuit training and yoga classes as well.
How much annual leave do I get?+
Downs offers all staff 25 days annual holiday in addition to bank holidays. The firm is closed at Christmas and staff are not expected to take their own leave during this period. The annual leave year runs from January to December.
Divorce FAQ+
How will our assets to be split?+
Generally, the starting point for splitting assets is 50/50. However, each case will be different and the split will depend on factors such as if you were married or in a civil partnership, how long you were together, how complicated your financials are, and whether both parties agree to a financial settlement. In cases where both parties agree to a financial settlement, the assets can be split according to the agreement, 80/20, 70/30 or another split. However, if it is not possible to come to an agreement, we can act as mediators and try to help negotiate to reach an amicable financial agreement. If this mediation is not successful or your finances very complicated, then a financial settlement can be reached through Court.
How much am I entitled to?+
In the UK, generally assets are split 50/50. However, this is supposed to be an amicable or fair split and if your finances are very complicated or you run a business or you brought many assets into the marriage or civil partnership, a 50/50 split may not apply, as it may be considered unfair. The final split will depend on what is considered fair and what can be negotiated and agreed upon. This could be 80/20 or 70/30 or another split. Whatever split you agree on, you will have to apply for a consent order to make it legal and the team at Downs can help with this process.
How will maintenance be calculated?+
There are two types of maintenance, spousal and child maintenance. For child maintenance, there is a statutory amount that will need to be calculated and paid set forth under the Child Maintenance Act for the person who will be responsible for the child. However, for spousal maintenance, there is not such fixed calculation. The spousal maintenance will be calculate based on need and lifestyle and what the two parties can agree on. If no agreement can be reached, then the Court will decide the amount to be paid and how long it will need to be paid
Is it true the wife always gets the house?+
The simple answer is, no. There are many variables that determine who will get the home you have lived in together. Part of the decision will depend on who owns the home. The outcome will differ if the home is registered in your name only or jointly with your partner or is owned together with someone else. It will also depend on whether you have children or if it is easier to sell the home and share the proceeds.
However, if your partner owns the home and you are worried that they will sell it prior to the divorce and keep the proceeds, then our team can help you register your home rights, which can stop your partner from selling the home.
What happens with pensions on divorce?+
Simply put, pensions are considered part of the joint finances and will be split, starting at 50/50, when you divorce or dissolve a civil partnership. The final split will be determined by the financial settlement you agree on either amicably negotiated between you and partner, mediated by us or through a court order. However, there are ways to negotiate pension splits and this may depend on your age and circumstances. Our family law team can advise you on what will best suit your situation.
Are assets overseas taken into account?+
Legally, all assets, regardless of if they are in the UK or overseas are considered joint assets or matrimonial property. However, a distinction will be made whether you brought those assets to the marriage or civil partnership. If the overseas assets were obtained prior to the marriage or civil partnership, they are unlikely to be considered as part of the matrimonial property. However, in some cases it may be difficult to enforce UK court orders in a foreign country, if your partner is not amicable, and this may lead to problems when trying to access or sell those overseas assets. At Downs we can advise you on how best to deal with overseas assets.
Family FAQ+
Can I get divorced?+
You can get divorced if all of the following apply to you:
- you have been married or in a civil partnership for more than one year.
- your relationship with your partner has irretrievably broken down based one or more of the following grounds: adultery, unreasonable behaviour, desertion, two-year separation with consent, or five-year separation.
- your marriage is legally recognised in the UK.
- your permanent home is in the UK.
Please come and discuss your situation with the family law team and we can advise you of your legal situation. In some cases, it may also be possible to annul your marriage.
How do you get a divorce?+
After you have confirmed that you are able to get a divorce, then you must apply for a divorce. This involves filing a divorce application or divorce petition and we can help you fill this out and gather the appropriate documents that will need to be submitted for the application. For one, you will need to have your original marriage certificate or a certified copy, and if it is not in English have a certified translation made. We can explain the various steps and walk you through the whole process.
Do I have to divorce, can we just separate?+
Yes, you can just separate. However, there are different legal implications when it comes to a separation and a divorce. Generally, a divorce will carry bigger legal weight than a separation and you may be entitled to more assets under a divorce than a separation. Our family law team can advise you on what exactly the legal differences are and what option will best suit your circumstances.
Will I have to go to Court?+
The short answer is no, you do not have to Court. However, this will depend very much on whether you and your partner can negotiate and come to amicable agreements. Our family law teams are happy to mediate and help with negotiations. However, if you are unable to come to an agreement with your partner, then the only solution is to go to Court.
What about arrangements for children on separation?+
If you have a child or children, you and your partner should try to come to an agreement on child arrangements. Sometimes this can be difficult and the family law team at Downs can help mediate discussions, especially when it comes to issues like who will support the child(ren) financially, where will the child(ren) live, and how much time the child(ren) will spend with each parent. Some of these arrangements should be made legally binding and we can help prepare the paperwork for that. If it is not possible to come to an agreement through mediation, experienced solicitors at Downs can represent you in Court.
How much does it cost?+
The cost of your divorce or dissolution of a civil partnership will depend heavily on how complicated it is and how long it takes. A very straightforward case, where both parties amicably negotiate a financial settlement and the splitting of assets and child arrangements, if required, will cost much less than if no amicable financial settlement can be reached and your case has to go to Court. But don’t let cost be a hindrance, come and talk to us at Downs and we can give you an estimate of how much your case may cost. Additionally, depending on your circumstances, we do offer a fixed fee divorce package.
Can I get Legal Aid?+
Depending on your financial situation, you can get Legal Aid. If your income is low and your financial means are limited, you may be entitled to waive some of your court or tribunal fees. There are numerous eligibility criteria, based on your income, savings and benefits. However, as a general rule, if you earn £1,170 or less a month before tax, then you are eligible. Also, you can receive Legal Aid, if you are separating from an abusive partner.
Employment Law+
What is an employment lawyer?+
From dealing family friendly rights, redundancy, contracts of employment, and Performance issues, Employment Lawyers work across all areas of the law for both employers and employees.