Consumer website, MoneySavingExpert, has embarked on a long-running campaign to raise awareness of council tax discounts that are available to those who are considered “severely mentally impaired” – and it can include carers too.
Apr 2019

Consumer website, MoneySavingExpert, has embarked on a long-running campaign to raise awareness of council tax discounts that are available to those who are considered “severely mentally impaired” – and it can include carers too.
For those who are eligible, it is worth a 25% discount for those living with someone mentally impaired, and 100% if you are the individual affected and you live alone, although any carers or family can help.
According to a recent article from the BBC the Welsh government is now taking steps to make any claims and rebates for council tax bills much easier for those who are eligible.
It could mean that for those who provide live-in care for relatives with dementia, Alzheimer’s or severe learning difficulties could benefit from house discounts on their council tax. Plus, in some cases, claimants have been able to backdate their claim for a much-needed boost to help pay for extra care and other facilities or equipment.
If you are an Attorney acting under a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA), this is vitally important information. Even if you do not live with the individual for whom your provide care, you are in a position to help them to put in a claim for discounts of up to 100% on their council tax bills. But, it doesn’t stop there – Attorneys and Deputies should be claiming all relevant benefits and regularly reviewing entitlements.
Unfortunately, the council tax discounts still go widely under-reported, even though organisations like the MoneySavingExpert are helping to break through, and highlight the importance of regularly reviewing any care-related entitlements.
If you are currently acting as an Attorney and you would like to find out more information about how you can make any back-dated claims, or you would like further advice relating to your own legal position, contact Downs Solicitors to see how we can help.