It may sound like a very sombre “celebration” but these days, many people are so relieved that the long, emotional and expensive process is finally over that their Decree Absolute is a cause for celebration - you can even buy “congratulations on your divorce” cards in the shops.
Jan 2023

It may sound like a very sombre “celebration” but these days, many people are so relieved that the long, emotional and expensive process is finally over that their Decree Absolute is a cause for celebration - you can even buy “congratulations on your divorce” cards in the shops.
Divorce Day
Yesterday was National Divorce Day - it is normally the first day back to work after Christmas. The “real life” reality sets in, the bills start landing on the doormat and a number of people can find the effects of debt and stress finally take their toll.
For us solicitors, it tends to be when we see the number of enquiries in relation to divorce proceedings spike and this year, Divorce Day is the first since the new “no fault divorce” became law last summer.
New no-fault divorce
Divorce, Dissolution and Separation Act 2020 now allows couples to divorce without assigning blame. For many couples, this may be worthy of celebration alone, as previously, a divorce could only be granted if it fitted one of seven conditions. However, if couples were not at fault due to unreasonable behaviour, adultery or desertion, then they found themselves trapped in an unhappy marriage, which no doubt had a ripple effect on families and children involved.
We can help
If you are going through a difficult time in your marriage right now, always remember where possible to keep communications open. Talking can be a great healer but if you do decide to file for a divorce, open communications will be much easier for a clean break - and save a lot of heartache.
If you would like some advice relating to your own separation, civil partnership dissolution or access to children, contact the Family Law team at Downs Solicitors to see how we can help.