
Liz Dalgetty Feb 2021

Can I force my staff to have the Covid Vaccination?

Recent news reports indicate that some employers are considering making it compulsory for their staff to have a Covid vaccination.  Is this a lawful, or even sensible, move by employers?

Nicola O’Dwyer Feb 2021

The pitfalls of a homemade will can cause more than heartache

Another day, another story of how a DIY will has been through the courts and has been successfully overthrown. Whilst the temptation might be there to try and cut corners, it really isn’t worth the financial or emotional heartache for those left behind.

Liz Dalgetty Jan 2021

Caring for your employee’s mental health

The WHO defines good mental health as: “a state of wellbeing in which every individual realises his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stress of life, can work productively and fruitfully and is able to make a contribution to his or her community.”

Nicola O’Dwyer Jan 2021

Could you write a letter with your will?

In a previous blog I wrote about how the pandemic had caused a spur of new will applications, however, it seems that writing official records is something that has taken a lot of households by storm.

Liz Dalgetty Jan 2021

Millions of UK workers to receive increase in pay from April 2021

In April of each year, the Government increases statutory payments that are payable to workers and employees. 

Victoria Evans Jan 2021

Are you locked out of your Child Trust Fund?

If you set up a trust fund for a child who has learning disabilities, you might want to consider how to access those funds when the child reaches 18.

Terina Farnan Jan 2021

The digital assets that are worth a will

Last year, we wrote a blog about how digital assets are commonly overlooked when writing a will. But, thanks to a recent survey by the Law Society, now might be the best time to give it some thought.


Nicola O’Dwyer Jan 2021

Are you a “Silver Splitter”?

Last Monday was National Divorce Day - so called because it is the first Monday “back to normal” after Christmas, the bills start landing on the doormat and frayed couples have spent too long in close proximity. However, as the numbers of separations are largely on the decline, it seems there is a rise in the “silver splitter” - and if you’re one of them, you might find you’re in for a financial windfall.

Nicola O’Dwyer Jan 2021

Working from home - where do you stand?

Under new government guidance, you should work from home if you can effectively do so. However, some employers may ask their employees to return to work whilst restrictions are in place - particularly if it is not reasonable to carry out that work at home. For those who are concerned about health problems, or juggling childcare, where do you stand in the eyes of the law?

Julian Harvey Jan 2021

What the new lockdown means for businesses, employees and workers

The third lockdown in England legally came into force on 6 January 2021. How long it will last is uncertain. At least until mid-February and possibly until late March. Vaccination provides a route out of the pandemic, but businesses need to survive this final and possibly longest of the lockdowns.