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Feb 2017

Downs were once again delighted to be invited to take part in the Warwick School's Careers Fair.
The Warwick School, Redhill, Surrey, hold this careers event over three days, inviting employers from a broad range of industry sectors to participate on each day. Students from Years 9 and 10 attend and circulate in small groups around the employers asking about the type of skills and qualifications needed to work in those organisations. The event helps students to gain a better insight into what opportunities are available, what employers are looking for and to be much more aware of their options when thinking about their future careers.
Employment Partner, David Seals, whose daughter attends the Warwick School, was joined by newly qualified Solicitor, Alexander Muir, who completed his training contract at Downs Solicitors.
There was a cross-section of employers ranging from the Police, the Army, the Merchant Navy, the Royal Air Force, Sainsbury’s, Kingston Smith Accountants, UNUM, an airline and freight packaging company and a number of marketing agencies.